When people think about fugitives, they often conjure images of inmates who have escaped from prison or defendants who have fled the country in an attempt to avoid prison time. While both these categories of people can be classified as fugitives, the term also applies to a broader range of individuals.

Anyone who fails to show up for scheduled court appearances can be considered a fugitive. Bail bondsmen hope they never have a client who becomes a fugitive. Unfortunately, people can skip out on their bail.

These individuals cost bail bondsmen a significant amount of money, so it's in a bondsman's best interest to locate the fugitive and bring him or her to justice. This is done with the help of a bail enforcement agent.


Anyone looking to become a bail enforcement agent must complete a state mandated education course. This course provides trainees with the knowledge they will need to operate within the confines of the law as they attempt to locate fugitives.

Only candidates who complete all training hours and pass a test assessing their knowledge will be awarded a license by the state to act as a bail enforcement agent.


In addition to the training offered through the state, many bail enforcement agents bring their own experience to the table. Many retired police officers, military personnel, and private security contractors choose to pursue work as bail enforcement agents.

These individuals have had prior experience assessing the dangers of a situation and apprehending criminals, so the transition to a bail enforcement agent isn't difficult. Bail bondsmen can rely on these experienced individuals to bring in fugitives and help recover lost bail money from the court.


Despite what popular culture might have you think, bail enforcement agents do not dole out vigilante justice. In fact, these agents work closely with law enforcement officials to apprehend each fugitive on the run after skipping out on bail.

A bail enforcement agent must contact local law enforcement before starting a fugitive search. Many agencies will send a police officer to escort the bail enforcement agent as he or she secures a fugitive. Having police on-site ensures the safety of both the fugitive and the bail enforcement agent bringing the fugitive to justice. Bail enforcement agents play an important role in today's judicial system. If you decide to skip out on bail at any point in the future, you may find yourself face-to-face with one of these modern-day bounty hunters. 

Contact a service, like First Choice Bail Bonds, for more help.
